Oliveira’s White Bull

A white bull placed in front of Oliviera’s Steak House on Broadway, signifying the restaurant’s connection to great beef, is undergoing the typical Everett City Hall runaround.

It has been noted by at least one city councilor who we like and respect that the bull is unclothed; that is to say, his private parts are showing.

Such a thought is purely subjective, as bulls are not known to wear clothing of any kind let alone underwear.

That being said, the owner has put a plastic bag over the bull’s rather indistinct private parts so as not to horrify passersby.

He has even said he would saw off the bull’s private parts, performing a castration really, which may or may not be against animal rights laws approved by the United Nations.

Can you imagine if Everett had a museum with ancient Roman statuary done by Michelangelo depicting a man undressed with his private parts showing? Would the museum be forced to cover the statue?

Of course not.

Unspecified complaints have caused the city’s administration to order the restaurant’s owner to take the bull down (it stands on Oliveira’s private property). The city has ruled the bull was placed where it stands without a proper sign permit. The restaurant owner must now go before the city’s Zoning Board of Appeals to rectify the situation, according to the city.

A meeting is scheduled during the first week of May on the issue, proving that a piece of art, tasteful and set back from the street, can inspire the wrath of city hall for whatever set of reasons city hall seeks to make up.

The bull is not a sign.

The bull is a piece of tasteful, representational freestanding art work depicting an animal associated with fine beef.

It is unobtrusive, set back from the street, and again, standing on land owned by the restaurant.

Bottom line, the upcoming meeting is a load of bull.

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