Roe versus Wade

Just at the moment when this nation couldn’t be more divided comes the US Supreme Court having already decided to overturn Roe-versus Wade.

We all learned this because the decision has already been written – for better or worse, more or less – and revealed to the US public because of a clandestine effort that resulted in the early release of the draft decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

A fury has erupted among those who believe women have the right to the sanctity of their own bodies and those who believe the government should dictate what is right for women and what is wrong.

More than half the nation believes abortion as it stands right now is acceptable, that unwanted children not provided for by an uncaring society is as bad an act as abortion.

The vocal and enormous opposition believes abortion is a crime against humanity, that life above all, always, is the choice to make.

Both sides have a point.

What are we to do about the Supreme Court making such a decision?

We must accept it and work around it. It depends what you believe in.

Should we hate the court? No.

Should we love the court? No, again.

The court should be left alone to do the business of justice no matter how bitter a pill it is for the US public to swallow.

The sanctity of the court does not rest on abortion alone. Should democrats be allowed to pack the court to gain the decisions they want?

No, absolutely not.

Should the republicans be able to do the same?


The truth of the matter is this: Supreme Court Justice appointments have been made, sides have been taken, how the court makes its decisions has changed politically and philosophically.

Does this mean the court should be impeded in any way?


The court must do its business without being persuaded by the shouts from outside.

That’s the way the court’s business has been done when it allowed slavery, when it denied Black people the right to vote or to be educated and now the newer more conservative court is flexing its arms within the law.

In a world where nothing seems sacred anymore, the court’s independence must be preserved, even if we don’t like some of its decisions.

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