US Attorney Rollins warns probe could go to the Justice Dept. in D.C.

“We kicked the tires and saw what was happening in Everett”


During an appearance on the John Keller at Large Show last week, US Attorney Rachael Rollins said her probe into racism in Everett was prompted by reading many local newspaper articles “and not just the Boston Globe” regarding allegations of racism impacting the majority-minority population of the city.

Rachael Rolliins on John Keller At-Large program. (Frame grab by Josh Resnek)

She said the resignations of two city officials for their apparent racist behavior caused her to take a much closer look.

“One of the officials who resigned said there were others in the government who ought to resign,” she told Keller.

She said she took notice of this in the annotated complaint she sent to Mayor Carlo DeMaria.

During an earlier interview, and in the press release detailing the probe, Rollins said the “mayor’s cousin” (Anthony DiPierro) had made such a statement. It is believed Rollins wants to know who DiPierro was talking about when he made that statement.

“We kicked the tires and saw what is happening in Everett,” she said about the origins of the probe.

DiPierro resigned in disgrace three weeks ago after two months of turmoil at public meetings at city hall.

That turmoil has not ended.

In fact, it has intensified.

More than 23 speakers spoke at the recent city council meeting which lasted until midnight to accommodate all the public speakers.

The majority of speakers spoke about racism in Everett and how it is affecting their lives.

“Journalists matter – telling the story about multiple things happening in Everett,” Rollins told Keller.

She said she has come to understand that less than 2% of city employees are Black or Brown despite the largely Black and Brown demographic in the city.

“Should we look into this?” she asked rhetorically.

“We are looking into this,” she said answering her own question.

Rollins said the probe will either validate her suspicions or not but that she will remain vocal.

“If we do find something during this probe we will be speaking with our main partners in Washington, D.C. at the Justice Department.

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