Jason Marcus Is Right

School committeeman Jason Marcus asked for a point of personal privilege (that probably was not a point of personal privilege) at the beginning of Monday night’s school committee meeting.

Marcus explained to his colleagues his exasperation and fears related to remarks by former president Donald Trump that made the rounds of national and international media Monday that the US Constitution ought to be abolished.

Trump essentially said the constitution should be done away with because his election had been stolen.

Marcus was visibly upset by this.

He tried his best to express himself about the importance of the US Constitution to the continuation of democracy and order in the United States.

Marcus is right.

We may not always agree with Marcus’ meanderings, but in this case, him speaking from his heart about the US Constitution seemed to have traction.

If only Marcus would recognize that the constitution provides for freedom from discrimination, racism, retaliation and good old fashioned Everett politics that pays no heed to the promise or the word of the US Constitution.

That being said, we are proud that Marcus spoke up, which is better than remaining quiet.

If more Everett public officials spoke up about the rights of man, Everett would be a much better place than it is today.

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