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Sal DiDomenico’s rising star

When Senator Sal DiDomenico started out many years ago on a political career, not many could have imagined how high he would rise.

After years of paying close attention to creating a place for himself on Beacon Hill, he has become one of the influential leaders in the Senate and might very likely become the next Senate president.

In a political world where stars are rising and where others are heading in the oppo- site direction, DiDomenico’s place in the Senate appears to be cemented in an upward trajectory– although anything can change in politics and often does.

The DiDomenico Foundation’s pre St. Patrick’s Day gala attracted a huge crowd, including the governor, the congresswoman, the mayor of Boston, and a legion of his Everett followers.

This was a major league time attracting a major league gathering by a politician whose star is rising.

DiDomenico hasn’t gained his positive reputation on Beacon Hill by being a harsh critic.

Rather, his strength comes from being a gentleman at all times, treating people who come before him with respect and dignity, and working for the have nots and the middle-class folks struggling to get by.

Last year, the DiDomenico Foundation gave away $50,000 in Christmas toys and scholarships.

This year, the foundation will do the same.

We congratulate Sal on his great success, and for the good work of his foundation.

He has come a long way. He has a long way to g

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