Mayor must answer

In neighboring Chelsea, since the inception of receivership when its last four mayors were arrested, indicted, tried and convicted of crimes as well as six police officers who met the same fate, the city government has sworn, “never again.”

Receivership ended in Chelsea many years ago but the city government has remained adamant – no member of the city council, the police and fire departments and city hall employ- ees can be convicted felons or those who are sexual offenders with their names on the state sex offenders list, can serve in public office or as a member of the city workforce.

In Everett, this rule does not reply. There is a different mindset here where the mayor employs a number of convicted felons who are working city jobs, who somehow are given the OK by the Human Resources Department.

It came to light last week that a retired Everett firefighter served nearly his entire period of service as a Level 1 sexual offender – accused of sexual assault and battery of an eight year old girl, a charge to which he pleaded guilty.

This leads us to wonder – how many convicted felons are now working for the city in any capacity – and how many sexual offenders on the list are employed here?

The mayor will tell us the law demands that Level 1 sexual offenders and convicted felons be allowed to work for the city.

That isn’t true in Chelsea.

It should be the same way here.

What it takes is the mayor to put his strength behind an effort to rid the city workforce of convicted felons – or at the very least, to allow Everett residents to know that such city employees are among the population.

Who are they? What did they do? What are their qualifications?

It is one thing to be a convicted felon.

It is another thing to be a convicted felon friend of the mayor and to receive a job from him.

Residents should demand to know who has a criminal record working for the city.

It may be “legal”, but it isn’t right.

They know this in Chelsea.

Convicted felons should be allowed to work.

They certainly shouldn’t be working for the city of Everett.

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