The July 4 state of the city

On this Fourth of July the city is in the midst of the most ambitious building and development phases in its long history. Nothing that has come before, and very likely nothing that

will follow, can outdo the building boom ongoing right now. As Fourth of July fireworks explode above the city this week, Everett’s building boom is apparent everywhere, throughout the crowded city.

Thousands of new apartment house units are going up, following many thousands already built and occupied.

In addition, in all the corners of the city and on many streets, smaller houses are being converted in multi-unit properties, giving new value and meaning to the local property marketplace.

Freedom implies that not everyone is satisfied with this incredible mass of new development.

Many people living in the city’s various neighborhoods are concerned about traffic, about parking, about a new population that takes absolutely no interest in the city.

On the other hand, it is hard to deny that all the new development signals a new time for the city.

Will it be a better time for the city?

This remains to be seen.

This we know…there is much to celebrate here on this Fourth of July.

We all go about our lives as we want. We are all free. We exult in the American experience.

The Everett American experience of offering a starting place for many thousands who have come to begin their lives in America is alive and well.

Life is not perfect in today’s Everett.

However life in Everett abounds with the promise of America.

Again, a Happy July 4 to our readers and to all those living in freedom in the city.

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