Around the city…

Second Annual Polar Plunge

As part of the Everett Police and Law Enforcement Torch Run, the Everett community raised over $16,000 for the Massachusetts Special Olympics it was announced on December 10.

Raising this kind of money for such a good cause is big medicine and gratitude should be expressed to everyone involved.

Polar Plunges take a great deal of self-composure and one must have a real strong constitution for very cold water!

Well done!

Mark Your Calendar

The Everett High School Holiday Gala Concert and Silent Art Auction will be held on December 19 at 6:00 pm inside the Everett High School Center for the Performing Arts.

The award winning EHS Band will be in full regalia and will perform magnificently for all of you who come to the event.

Don’t miss this signature Christmas and holiday musical event and auction!

Did You Know?

Of the more than 7,285 students now attending the Everett Public Schools that 3,584 are females and 3,701 are male.

Everett has reported no Non-Binary students for the year 2022-2023.

Everett High School has approximately 2,221 students.

It is interesting to note that the 9th and 10th grade classes have big numbers – 604 and 620 respectively, while the 11th and 12th are smaller respectively, 562 and 405.

The Lafayette School is the largest attended elementary school in Everett reporting 1,020 students for the year now ongoing.

A close second is the Parlin School with approximately 1,014 students.

Why is Guerline Alcy Smiling?

Guerline Alcy, councilor at large elect, is moving about the city among her constituents and preparing for the challenges ahead.

Guerline Alcy

It has been a long, hard fought road for Alcy to gain entrance into the political scheme of things at Everett City Hall. Her election victory in November was fairly substantial, and she will be someone to deal with when the new council convenes in January.

Almost by default, Alcy becomes the most significant voice representing the city’s large and active Haitian community.

Haitians will quite naturally will look to Alcy for support and for affirmative guidance on issues important to them. However, Alcy says she is committed to representing “everyone.”

She believes in equity and inclusion and she has said she will “fight for both.”

How she uses her position will be closely watched and measured by all those in the political realm.


Because when push comes to shove, the Haitian community will naturally rally around Alcy – and that by itself will give her a great deal of leverage with voters and candidates seeking office.

Let’s see how Alcy performs in her first term as a city councilor at large.

Just for the Record

When we published recently a photograph of the DiDomenico Family with his two sons shown about seven or eight years younger than they are today, well, we received a number of friendly reminders that maybe it was time for the Leader Herald to use a new family photograph of the family.

Thinking that was a pretty good idea, and keeping with our policy of trying to satisfy our readers, the above photograph shows the family smiling and together, with both boys mature and all grown up (and on in college and one heading to college next year) and with the proud parents smiling.

For the uninitiated, that’s Karen Spilka the Senate President at the center of the photograph.

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