Superintendent William Hart

The lame duck School Committee did the right thing voting to appoint William Hart superintendent of Everett’s Public Schools last Wednesday.

Hart will make a powerful impact as superintendent.


Hart is a decent human being, a qualified educator and the former leader of educational institutions much larger than the Everett School District.

Hart has already been scene all over the school district introducing himself, talking with stakeholders, administrators, principals, students and of course, the backbone of the school system – its teachers.

Teachers are a devoted lot. Teachers care about kids…or they couldn’t possibly do their jobs.

Hart, quite frankly, understands teachers. He will be good with administrators, officials, parents, principals and nearly everyone involved in public school education here.

Hart understands the disappointment of those who wanted the vote for superintendent to be held over until the new School Committee convenes in January.

Hart will make every effort to bring those who did not want the vote to a place where they can contest the vote…but will not contest that he is the right man for the job at the right time.

As a product of this city, Hart understands the Everett mindset.

He has walked the walk and talked the talk a lifetime in this city.

We believe he is qualified to be the superintendent.

We also believe Superintendent of Schools Priya Tahiliani was railroaded out of her job.

Hart had nothing whatsoever to do with Tahiliani’s demise.

We’re not even sure Tahiliani had anything whatsoever to do with her own demise.

The two are not connected.

We believe when the new School Committee is seated, Hart should be given the chance to do his thing.

He should be measured on his performance only and be given the opportunity to lead the school district.

In his brief tenure Hart has already shown himself to be a healer, and whose office is open to all those knock on the door.

Hart’s emergence came as a surprise to many. How well he will do will not be a surprise.

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