Housing and paying for immigrants

Many immigrants come to the United States and especially to Massachusetts because the state provides generously to the have nots in our society.

There are reasons so many millions want to come here – and not all the reasons are to find work and to climb up the ladder.

Many come here to suck off the system, to be taken care of, to avoid working at all costs because receiving subsidies is better than working.

That is the thinking of many other immigrants who came here to find jobs, to struggle to move up, to gain economic independence, to educate themselves and to make better lives for their children.

Many of those former immigrants, now residents, claim the nation and the state have made it so easy to survive that many recent immigrants coming here do so understanding they just need to get on the social welfare and subsidy lists and that they are all set.

We believe there is something more than a vague complaint about the social welfare system than the tendency for many to take the support and to let others work, ie, to be taken care of by the system.

Liberal social welfare programs reduce the necessity to find a job.

In fact, many jobs go begging in our society today because there are so few people willing to fill them.

With Massachusetts spending about $1 billion to house the immigrant folks coming to our shores this year alone, one begins to wonder if it might not be better to use that $1 billion not just to house and feed immigrants but to get them paying jobs.

Without incentive to work, people will not work.

The government needs to incentivize getting work and to disincentivize social welfare programs for immigrants arriving here.

Everyone needs to be working these days, even immigrants who come to our nation with nothing.

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