Congratulations Priya Tahiliani

It isn’t just a Merry Christmas for Priya Tahiliana, the newly chosen Superintendent to be of the Everett Public Schools.

It is, we assume, a great Christmas for her and her family and one to certainly celebrate proudly with some gusto because of her good fortune in being chosen by the selection committee.

Tahiliana is the brilliant sort – a great writer with some major credits, an articulate speaker with energy and verve, her entire persona is that of an ambitious, successful, younger educator about to take on a major new role.

We welcome her to her new position when she takes it some months from now.

We know she must certainly understand that she is taking over a complex position requiring many decisions to be made. She is more than an educator in this position. She is the manager of a huge budget, the one person more than 7000 Everett Public School students and 600 teachers are relying upon to do the right thing.

She must know she is inheriting a school system run a certain way for more than three decades by nearly all the same people.

The Everett Public Schools are the pride of the city. This is no joke.

The EPS succeeds in so many ways where other similar school systems in struggling cities fail miserably.

Superintendent Tahiliani is facing the challenge of her life taking over the management of the EPS.

We wish her the best.

We know she will make every effort to advance the EPS from where it stands today.

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